“Be Aware Of The Road, But Stay In Your Lane.” Nigel St. Hill

Dear friend, self-love is giving and opening your heart to Spirit and letting the wonderful light energy of the positive flow through your being. 

It is loving your flaws and imperfections through all your life lessons. When you love and accept yourself fully, every aspect of your life flourishes.

If your heart is closed to yourself, how can it be open to others? Your heart is the gateway to Spirit. Self-love is not selfishness. When you open your heart to loving yourself, you are opening the way to a deeper connection to the Source, which is love itself, and ultimately to a deep love and positive energy for all of life.

Too often individuals give to others and do not give to themselves. This indicates a lack of self-love and creates an imbalance in the energy fields that support the natural flow of energy. All must learn to love themselves first, and from this state of mind, all else flows. 

The more you love yourself, the more that you have available to give to others. It is like a cup that is always full. The cup that overflows is the cup of Divine Love that spills out into the Universe touching the robes of all others.

Self-love is not sitting around and adoring yourself. Someone experiencing self-love has energy and the desire to serve Spirit through individual awakening and whatever else Spirit wants one to do for others. 

Self-love is an ongoing, evolving expansion that spills over to everyone in your life without losing yourself in the process. You allow yourself to rest when you need to rest, and you have fun when you need to have fun.

Self-love is not abusing yourself with guilt when you are giving yourself what you need. Self-love expresses itself in positive appreciation for your uniqueness and feeling your worthiness. 

Self-love and self-worth are closely tied together. It is hard to feel worthy if you don’t love yourself.

Until next time, make this a month in which you are living your life to the fullest.

Let’s All Do Our Part. Please share this with your family and friends. We are stronger together.

Love, Peace and Gratitude
